Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our Labor & Delivery Story

Monday night Russell and I went for a long walk where he dragged me all around BYU campus! Russ made me go up and down every single hill and staircase on the entire campus! I was exhausted and I was having regular contracts that were about 3-5 minutes apart! By the time we got home I was ready to go to the hospital. I needed to sit down from our never-ending walk and sure enough the contractions stopped almost immediately! I was in tears! I was so frustrated that I was feeling so close but baby was not ready to make is debut!
We went to bed that night feeling very discouraged and trying to accept the fact that this little guy was going to keep cooking past his due date.
The next morning I had my 40-week appointment. I had to change my appointment last minute so I was scheduled to see one of the nurse practitioners. I had heard from a few people that Heidi McSweeny was the nurse to see if I wanted to go into labor. I had my membranes stripped the week before and it didn’t really do anything.  Again, very frustrating.
Sure enough Heidi did the trick! She stripped my membranes (NOT a fun feeling!) and ordered a non-stress test just to make sure everything was ok. Before the non-stress test she told me to go walk and get things going. So Russell and I headed to the Provo Town Center mall and walked for a good hour with all the elderly people getting there morning workout in J
During that hour my contracts were no more than 5-7 minutes apart and very strong. We went to the test and even while I was sitting in that big comfy chair my contractions kept coming! I was so happy they didn’t die down like they had been over the last couple weeks! The nurse decided I was progressed enough to let the hospital know that we would be heading over. I was so happy that someone was telling me, “It’s time to go to the hospital” and not me having to decide. I did not want to do the walk of shame twice! The first thing I asked the nurse was if we had time to go grab some food. J I had no idea how long labor was going to take and it was lunchtime and I didn’t want to be starving the entire day! She said probably not and to go straight to the hospital. Russell obediently said that we would head right over. As soon as we got outside I made him take me to Wendy’s to get something to eat! At this point for some reason I decided I wasn’t going to rush over there and Russell did not like that one bit. I told him we could go home first and get his computer and things so he wouldn’t be so bored at the hospital. He sternly said no and that he was taking me to the hospital. He rushed me through my chicken nuggets and didn’t even let me finish my frosty. L It was pretty funny to see him so antsy and rushed! I think that is why I was so calm and relaxed and felt like taking my sweet time.  I finally got out of the car and made Russ take a picture of me! He was so frustrated that I wouldn’t just hurry up. I was a little nervous I think and figured I would prolong the investable as long as possible.
We got checked into the hospital at 12:00PM and then waited. Waited for my contractions to get harder and closer together. I called my sister from Idaho and told her she should leave ASAP if she was going to make it here in time. We called our parents and everyone started to get very excited!
My contractions were not staying very regular. I would go from two or three contractions in 5 minutes to nothing for about 10 minutes so they put me on Pitocin. Man that stuff works! Within an hour I was having regular hard contractions and I was dilated to a 4.5. At 3:30PM I decided I would get my epidural. The epidural was almost exactly what I had pictured it would be like. I am not a fan of needles and pain but I knew that with out this I would be in a whole lot more pain later so I gritted my teeth and squeezed Russell’s hand and before I knew it I was feeling much better!
My water broke around 5:00PM while the nurse was checking me and it surprised her so much she jumped. I think her jump startled me more than my water breaking. It was funny. My sister arrived from Idaho and my parents were there hanging out while we waited. We figured we would have some time before anything really happened so I told Russ to go get dinner and to take his time.
The nurse’s shift changed and I ended up getting a nurse named Dani. Dani had taught our prenatal class that we went to at Valley OB. I was so happy it was her and not a nurse that I didn’t “click” with.
Dani checked me 6:30 and I was dilated to 9CM! It happened so fast! And she was so surprised at how low baby’s head was! We called Russell and said he should probably come back ASAP. She said she would come back in an hour and check me again. At 7:30PM I was a 10 and fully effaced. Dani said it was time to kick everyone out that I didn’t want in the room and to get ready to start pushing. This was when I got the most emotional. I was so calm and excited at the same time. I was finally going meet my baby! I said goodbye to my family and only Russell and our Photographer (who consequently is my cousin J) stayed in the room for the delivery.
I pushed for about 40 minutes before Dr. Thorpe arrived. Once he was there I pushed 3 or 4 more times and that was it!
At 8:32PM Our sweet baby boy was born! The abilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice so it took him a minute to start crying. I was not worried though. I know with out a doubt that I was blessed with an overwhelming calmness through the entire delivery process and I am so grateful for it! I would have been a complete mess with out it! My cousin took a few more pictures before we kicked her out and had the room to ourselves. We said our first family prayer and thanked our father in heaven for our healthy baby boy!
We still hadn’t decided on a name so we decided we would both say the name we wanted at the same time! It was between Sam and William and both of us said William with out hesitation. It fit him so perfectly! We spent a few minutes just as a family hanging out and then Russell gave the ok for all of our family members to come in. It was so fun to have everyone there supporting us and excited for us.
The entire labor and delivery process went so much better than I had imagined it would! I couldn’t be happier! 

Me eating my wendy's before I would go into the hospital

Me at 40 Weeks exactly 

All checked in and waiting 

Welcome William David Shawcroft June 26th 2012 8:32PM 
8 lbs 10 oz  21 inches 

Sucking his thumb

Our first family picture

He sneezes and it scares him. Pretty dang cute! (I apologize for his little peter showing ;)

Getting his hair washed

Charlotte visiting 

3 of my 5 sisters 

Some of the grandkids visiting. We haven't had a baby in the family for about 4 or 5 years so the kids are pretty excited about Wil.  

Going home from the hospital 

I am not happy with this picture but this is what we did every day for about a week after having him. 
We couldn't be happier and we are so grateful for all the love and support all of our friends and family has given us! We are so blessed to have Wil in our lives and are excited to see what adventures are in store for our family of three! 

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